Definition of Copy editing

1. Noun. Putting something into a form suitable for a printer.

Generic synonyms: Editing, Redaction

Definition of Copy editing

1. Noun. The correction of the spelling, grammar, formatting, etc. of printed material and preparation of it for typesetting, printing, or online publishing. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Copy Editing

copy-number variant
copy and paste
copy boy
copy boys
copy cat
copy choice
copy constructor
copy desk
copy edit
copy edited
copy editing
copy editor
copy edits
copy machine
copy number
copy number polymorphism
copy number variation
copy out
copy protection
copy room
copy shop
copy shops
copy sort
copy sorts
copy test

Literary usage of Copy editing

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. A Course in Journalistic Writing by Grant Milnor Hyde (1922)
"Its mandates must not, however, be considered final, for the style sheets of no two publishers agree in all respects. III. copy editing The editing of copy, ..."

2. State of the Nation: South Africa 2003-2004 by John Daniel, Adam Habib, Roger Southall (2004)
"With a group of volunteers, we undertook the daunting task of content and copy-editing the first contributions, many of which were handwritten. ..."

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